We are announcing an important change that will take place in May 2024 for Ecovis Finland companies.
We are moving to a new location and our address will change as follows:
Street address: Bulevardi 21, Spaces
Postal code: FI-00180
City: Helsinki (Finland)
Considering the change, and if your company's registered address is in the same place as our company, we will also continue to change your company's registered address. We'll handle the entire process of this change free of charge and let you know when it's done.
Remember to notify your clients or other parties you work with of the change of address for future correspondence. You can also use our email address office@ecovis.fi or phone number +358 40 738 1074 for electronic correspondence or quick contact.
Thank you for your understanding. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns about this change
Ecovis Finland Team